Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well, longest day ever but I am finally in EL SALVADOR. Sandra and Oscar picked Jess and I up and now we are at Sandra and Oscar's aunt's house for the night. Then off to EL POLVO to get started on our individual projects.

So Dennis dropped Jess and I to DCA.. I was getting stressed because of traffic, but if you know Dennis you would never doubt him getting us to the airport with time to spare!
This is the grapefruit that Jess and I ate inbetween flights... so delicious

So the first flight went flawlessly and the second was AWFUL. We had to wait foreverr
So.. needless to say, Jess and I were bored.. we read.. a lot.
and yawned a lot.. and then one and a half hours later after being in the airplane we took off! I also noticed that my hands are super dry... ew!

Now I am all homey and safe and happy! I will definitely post soooooooonish.. hope yall are well.. feel free to email me at alex.mritchie@gmail.com

hooray for arriving at my destination safely... sorry if this entry is not very coherent... I am tired.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that you arrived safely. Great pic of Den Den driving. I'm sure you guys had a blast on the way to the airport. hehehe
